N32DHOST Hosting Services, May 2016 – May 2024
In preparation for N32D Inc. ceasing all hosting operations for N32DHOST products and services by May 01, 2024, we are offering a limited time, discounted migration service to a client-purchased EasyWP account on NameCheap.

WordPress Website Migration
This service is an optional courtesy provided by N32D Inc. and is not required. If you prefer to pursue an alternative option, please ensure your website files and database are backed up and transferred off of n32dhost.com servers no later than April 1, 2024.
You may also reach out to NameCheap directly for their free WordPress migration service, via:
If you’d prefer to backup all website files and database manually, you may access your cPanel account via your N32DHOST account dashboard:
Domain Transfer
Currently, N32D Inc. hosts domains at the registrar NameCheap. For the fastest and most straight-forward domain transfer N32D Inc. clients are encouraged to create a free NameCheap account.
Once your new NameCheap account has been created and verified, we can quickly transfer your domain into your individual NameCheap account without the need for authorization codes and several days of waiting.
NameCheap support article:
You will need to access the Security settings in your Profile menu and check the “To accept ownership of domains” in the “Automatically Accept Invitations” field:

Once this option has been updated, we can simply Change ownership of your N32D Inc. account-hosted domain(s) to your NameCheap account which will automatically approve the account transfer. Clients that complete the above outlined steps for NameCheap account transfer, domain transfers will be provided at no-cost.
Additional service requests must be quoted and approved at the hourly rate of $75.00USD.
Additional Service Requests
For additional service requests, please submit a quote request:
Quoted services must be approved before any work may commence, and will be billed at an hourly rate of $75.00USD.